Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Omg!!! Technology headaches! I love you and hate you all at the same time.

As my final class required blog we are to talk about what we like and what we don't like about all this new technology we are learning, ahem...

  • Embed codes do not work unless it is from YouTube. I have tried and tried and tried! Any other video from another site will simply just leave a code on your page. I hate them and I have no interest in trying to use them again for sake of my mental health. haha. ;) 
    • Here...I'll show you.
  • <div style='text-align:center'><object width='560' height='450' id='FiveminPlayer' classid='clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000'><param name='allowfullscreen' value='true'/><param name='allowScriptAccess' value='always'/><param name='movie' value=''/><param name='wmode' value='opaque' /><embed name='FiveminPlayer' src='' type='application/x-shockwave-flash' width='560' height='450' allowfullscreen='true' allowScriptAccess='always' wmode='opaque'></embed></object><br/><a href='' style='font-family: Verdana;font-size: 10px;' target='_blank'>Softball Fastpitch Pitching</a></div>

      • See? Isn't it wonderful?  I don't know what else to do unless save it to my computer and then use the add video button in the tool bar but how do I save an embed code? ahhhhh.

  • You need to set up an account EVERYWHERE! And most times you have to wait for a verification code or for someone to accept you. Annoying.
Wiki-I'm supposed to comment on a Wiki that I found and how it is useful...I go to the Wiki link for my class and it tells me I do not have permission to comment on the page...SO HOW CAN I LEAVE A COMMENT????

  • Cookies-how many of you know how to enable cookies? Seriously-having to enable cookies so you can access something DOES NOT  make that site or page user friendly.
  • Podcasts-they are supposed to be free (well, if I install addition to Delicious and Wiki and Blogspot) but how many things am I supposed to download before my computer is full of programs I totally forget about??) 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Second grade social media

As fun as some technology can be I am afraid that such sites as Myspace, Facebook or Twitter are not appropriate for a second grade room.  In our last module we quickly addressed that even if a profile was  dedicated to the class and was to only address educational subjects, unfortunately, someone will over step their "netiquette" and cause a problem.  These problems could include cyber bullying/cyber stalking, inappropriate language, videos, photos or comments.  I agree that because these sites are seen as more of a casual way to interact that parents may feel more inclined to address issues this way instead of sending an email, phone call or setting up a conference.  Which is also unfortunate because (this is almost always my argument when someone wants a complete computer based curriculum), technology is allowing for unnecessary short cuts and we loose a little bit of our social skills, communication skills and common, civil courtesies every single time.

However, I do realize that it would be nice and easy to post homework assignments, spelling words, upcoming events, and videos of school performance in a very quick and user friendly format. (Two sentences in the status line and you're done! :) Parents and students alike could comment on unclear directions or expectations and easily allow for the teacher to make adjustments accordingly to be better understood in the future. An open discussion on guidelines, ideas and past successes could go on and on in our comments section and we could all stay updated immediately. 
Yet, I am still inclined to lean toward a classroom website than a classroom profile.  Though the quick time factor and almost live communication feed seems very tempting, I would constantly be worrying about monitoring the site and thus would choose the safer of the choices, as of now anyhow.
As this video shows the love-hate relationship between social media sites and their relevance in the classroom is on-going and everywhere.

Bottom line, if parents and teachers set clear expectations and discuss what is appropriate and inappropriate then maybe everyone will play nice.  If we are consistent with our accountability then perhaps, someday, social media sites will be more welcomed in the classroom. However, until then, my vote is no.

Friday, June 24, 2011

I believe...

The goal of this blog idea is to create a place where students can write about their interests and why they are important to them.  Some examples of things students could write about are sports, food, family members, classroom subjects or upcoming events (science fair, music program, Black History month performance, etc.) 
In my trial blog I will address my history with softball and include several aspects about why I love it and how I have excelled in the sport.

softball ball clipart

I began  slow-pitch softball during the summer before 4th grade.  I was pretty much a waif and hadn't played any organized sports before.  My first summer I will admit that I was pretty awful. However, the next summer (for whatever reason) I was good! And by good, I mean awesome! :) I started pitching that year; and for the next 10 years! I had no idea I was a sports person, let alone a pitcher. :)
When I began high school slow-pitch softball had to take a back seat to fast-pitch.  Soon I was learning change-ups, rises and drop pitches. By college I was throwing a 60 mph fast ball (and that was even in my acrylic nails stage. ha! :)

Girl in purple and white uniform throwing the free softball clipart.
Unfortunately, my college pitching career at The College of Wooster was cut short and it was so long ago most of even the archived stats are gone.  However, during my first season (2000-2001) I pitched the college's first ever no-hitter ! Luckily this stat is still posted (and not beaten! :) If you scroll down to the very bottom you'll see what is left to my claim to fame. :)



Monday, June 20, 2011

Using Webspiration for the very first time

I thought it would be interesting to post the problems or lack of problems I encounter while using Webspiration for the first time.  As we discuss in my 21st Century Learning on-line classes, we will never get better at anything if we give up after one try. Since I have not used this program before, I have little understanding on how to use let alone incorporate this website, so join me as I try to navigate this for the first time.

My first thought is what do I do with this program? I see an icon that looks like a brainstorming web so I click that.
This is the link showing my very first Webspiration brainstorming web. Tada! lol.

And by using Jing I was able to capture and record my first navigation through this website.  I thought if you saw that I had no idea too, you'd be more willing to try it (and hopefully understand it by the end). :)

As you can see I have quite a bit left to learn but this is a start! Next, I will learn how to add a link to my brainstorming web...I hope. :)

(I have been trying to get this video of Jing embedded in this blog for literally 4 hours so believe me I know how trying this technology thing can be!!)

Maybe we can view my Jing video this way?

Friday, April 29, 2011

Box Tops for Education

If anyone would be interested in saving Box Tops or Campbell soup labels for my class please send them to:
 Brighten Heights Academy
C/O Serena Sword
1379 Garfield Ave.
Canton, OH 44706


For more information on what kinds of food have Box Tops check out the website at:

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

May 4th field trip-continued

When I originally started looking for field trip ideas I just Googled field trip ideas Stark County.  I was very happy to see Stark Parks is an indoor/outdoor, free, educational based center with a TON of activities for classes and families alike.  There are several different outdoor areas to explore like the Cook's Lagoon or Devonshire Park or Sippo Lake (that we are going to) to just name a few. There are also many other aspects to Stark Parks that include "travel boxes" that you can use in your classroom or homeschool room.  Perhaps you wanted to do a unit on fossils.  They have a travel box with all the elements you would need, including lesson plans. :)  They also work with animal rescue. As seen in this Youtube Video,(

I am excited to share this experience with my class and show them what Stark County has to offer, so close to home and yet far away from it all.
For more information about our Stark Parks experience or about Brighten Heights Academy, contact me at 330.454.3128

Thank you,
Serena Sword
2nd Grade Teacher
White Hat provides proven results like LifeSkills, HOPE, Riverside Academy, Southside Academy, Brighten Heights, and DELA

May 4th field trip

I am very excited to announce that I have planned a very exciting AND FREE field trip for my class this year.  Every year the field trip budget gets smaller and the cost of the bussing usually takes atleast half the money.  Last year we got very lucky and were able to have a very lavish field trip to the Akron Zoo, complete with classroom program, behind the scenes experience and an all you can eat lunch buffet with fantastic food! However, this year, I thought keeping it simple and close would be better.  That's why I have planned for my class to go to the main branch of the Stark County Public Library in the morning.  There the kids will have a tour of the library, learn about the summer reading program (it's too early to sign them up though) and have a story with craft, as time allows.  Then we will go to Sippo Lake and have a class on ecosystems with live animals and a puppet show and an hour long outdoor adventure, compliments of Stark Parks. I will explain more about Stark Parks and it's programs in my next blog.  We will conclude our field trip by stopping for ice cream cones on our way back to the school.  This just goes to show that you can have fun, be creative, be academically based AND enjoy this wonderful weather without going far or spending a lot of money. :)